A note from the coordinator

Welcome to the website of the SUSEDI project!

We believe that Education is an essential tool for achieving sustainability goals. Educational Institutions have a trifold role to play in the development of a sustainable future:

  • At a first level, they have the role of developing sustainability awareness and sustainability culture in the community as well as of cooperating with the community to support sustainability, through a social role.
  • At a second level, they have the pedagogical role to develop the sustainability competence of pupils, students etc. This will be achieved through integration of the sustainability competence in all their curricula, innovative training techniques, and the development of the sustainability competence of educators.
  • At a third level, Educational Institutions should act as “Role institutions” through making their buildings and operations sustainable (in this way of course they also contribute to sustainability in general). According to UNESCO, “in this way, the institution itself functions as a role model for the learners.”

SUSEDI aims to transform Educational Institutions (EIs) using the Whole Institution Approach (WIA) to sustainability, so that they will act in the aforementioned three roles.

Our consortium of partners consists of colleagues from thirteen different organizations, representing seven different countries of the European Union.

Our partners have extensive expertise in sustainable development education, higher education, VET education and life-long learning, primary education and policy, but also expertise in certification matters.

Thank you for visiting, have a look around and stay tuned for updates as the project progress.