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The Susedi is project included in Cyprus initiative on ESD for 2030 that was submitted at UNESCO ESD2030 initiative.
More particularly in the report it is stated that the SUSEDI project (https://susedi.projectsgallery.eu/) is a joint transformation and certification journey for the 12 educational institutions (Formal, Non-Formal as well as Primary, Secondary, Higher, VET and Adult EIs) to adopt the WIA to sustainable development and aims to transform them into adopting the WIA, through a series of transformational steps, in accordance with the systemic framework for WIA to sustainability, and to certify them on achieving milestones. Additionally, SUSEDI aims to develop the sustainability competence of educators/leaders/administrative staff as their role is critical for institutions in terms of adopting WIA. It is considered in the report as an exemplar project for transforming learning environments.
You can see the report here.
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At 8-9 of April 2024, the teachers forum for European Schools was organised in Parma Italy. The forum was attended by more than 250 teachers from the whole Europe.
Cyprus presented the Whole School Approach as a mainstream in European and international dialogue for transforming schools to learning communities for sustainability. The new implementation framework of the UNECE ESD Strategy 2021-2030, the UNESCO ESD roadmap 2030, the EU recommendation paper for Learning for Environmental Sustainability, are only some of the regional and international processes and mechanisms that addressed the Whole School Approach as the most comprehensive, systemic, and holistic approach that can effectively transform the schools and every educational institution to sustainability.
The aim of this presentation was to identify through the emerging dialogue for Whole School Approach (WSA) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) the main dimensions of WSA that can lead schools to sustainability, to discuss and explain how and in which ways WSA can support schools to become sustainable and present indicative examples and initiatives of integrating ESD through WSA in Educational institutions. SUSEDI ESD Systemic Framework used as an example on how WSA can be integrated in European Schools and how can provide opportunities for peer learning and exchanging ideas in this field.
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Our project SUSEDI was presented in Pedia News on the 1st of April 2024.
You can see the press release here